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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

4th of July...a small get together

So,its a little late, but better late than never,right?! So here are the pics from our small Fourth of July party, with just a few close friends and family.
Our back balcony where we relaxed and ate.

The menu consisted of BBq chicken (Carolina Treat BBQ sauce is a MUST in the South), hot wings, brats and hotdogs, 2 types of Grampa's famous Pasta Salads, deviled eggs, chips with salsa and guacamole, blue berries,strawberries, homemade spritz cookies, and cupcakes.
"Dining Table"
Liberty Bell cupcake topper..too cute!
Yum,Yum...Bluberries and Strawberries;a summertime staple!

"Simple Buffet Table"

Cracker Jacks and Bubbles for the kiddos... can never have too many sparklers!
Put your "butts" where they belong! he he

The weather was nice, the mosquitos took the day off, and the sunset was beautiful! Hope you all enjoyed your Independence Day as much as I enjoyed mine :)

...I made all of the lettering and paper items with my Cricut; which I Loooovve btw, but more on that laaaater!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Up and Runnin....

So, it has literally been YEARS since we have had the internet at our house! I know, I know-how have we been surviving??!! I've been asking myself the same thing..But anyway, here we are, in the year 2010 finally. And I am hard at work creating a blog, website, and a party planning business from my home! As well as chasing my 2 year old, and my newly crawling 7 month old...Sooooo if things get a bit scattered; forgive me! I will be adding plenty of pictures as soon as I can manage, So check back soon : )